Medication Reminder App
Hey Everyone! ✌✌🏀
Glad to share with you a new design for Medication Reminder app.
Sometimes people complete forget about the medication timing and when involved in multiple treatment it becomes tedious to follow the routine.
So with a simple no fuss UI anyone keep a track of all the medicine intake and also get information about the medications prescribed.
This can be used by /Made for:
✅Doctors who can keep a track of their patients medicine intake for faster recovery and treatment
✅ For their parents who have trouble remembering their pills, and the individual can take care of their treatment without concern
▶We chose a simple UI as a person have to look at the app multiple times in a day and should flash various colors every time they open the app.
▶Can see or attach medicine images if in case they forget how the pills look like
▶Easy scroll of dates and elegant buttons to tap.
Tools used: Figma
#reminder #reminderapp #reminderUI #mobileapp #medicationreminder #medicinereminder
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