Designlab UX Academy Foundations | Fashion mobile app screens

After putting the style tile together, I created 3 sample screens for the Modura app using visual and UI design principles. One of the things I decided to change was the logo, as it wasn't easily scalable. I chose my 2nd design for this exercise.

I began by selecting the 3 screens to work on:

1. Home screen showing latest offers on garments

2. Search results page

3. Screen showing details of an individual item of clothing

I proceeded to research on Dribbble and on competitor apps for ideas and noted some of the key UI elements that are commonly used in this kind of apps. I then sketched my designs on paper. When I was satisfied with the result, I created 3 frames on Figma. I first tacked the navigation elements, I searched for Pexels and Unsplash to curate images that suited the brand. Finally, I made sure that everything was aligned and that the colours used were accessible.

The Modura project so far:

⦁ Logo design

⦁ Competitor analysis 

⦁ Colour style sets

⦁ Type

⦁ Style tile

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