FinTech Start-Up for Digital Tipping_ Logo

Logo Design Brief

eDrixx delivers an innovative web application, which allows guests to tip service people with their mobile phone. Service people just need to show their QR codes or NFC tags. The logo should show people to have the possibility to tip service people with their mobile phones. The logo will be integrated into the QR code, so it cannot be too big or too detailed. Our CI has 2 colours: orange (CMYK M 46% Y 89%, RGB 255-158-27) and blue (CMYK C 74% M 18%, RGB 0-163-224).

Industry/Entity Type


Logo Text


Must have

A separately useable logo which makes it easy to recognize that eg at this location (hotel, restaurant etc.) tipping with mobile phone is supported.

Should not have

Should not have just 1 letter, like an "e" only with additional graphics.

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