P is for Push Pop

90s Nibbles Nostalgic Push Pop 3D Letter P by Noah Camp

Instagram: noahcampdesign Website: noahcamp.com

P is for Push Pop, next in the 90sNibbles series. “Don’t push me! Push a Push Pop!” This catchphrase from their commercials would never leave my head. I used to say this all the time, especially when one of my four brothers would start roughhousing with me, which was often. I loved using this reference as frequently as I could as a kid, and long into adulthood.

I also genuinely loved Push Pops. I would suck on the retractable cylinder until it was shaped into a sharp cone. Don’t worry, I never hurt anyone with the shiv-like weapon. I did accidentally stab the roof of my mouth a few times though. Push Pop was invented in the year 1986, by the Topps company in Taiwan. I didn’t know they made anything other than baseball cards at Topps. Apparently, they also own Ring Pop, Bazooka gum, and Baby Bottle Pop candies, which I can’t believe are still around!

Clay render of 3D Letter P by Noah Camp
Closeup of 3D letter P by Noah Camp
Noah Camp
3D Illustration, Typography, & Animation
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