π² Payments Gateway Node System
APEXX routing millions and millions of payments daily. We faced a complex and unique challenge in giving users a UI to control all routing rules. Maintaining such a complex system with standard layouts and components is almost unreal. This is why I introduced a canvas bases node system.
Each node on the canvas is an independent entity that can be connected with the functions of other nodes. This simple logic opens endless possibilities for thousands of rules.
An important function is priority division. As you can see on top we divided the canvas into sections of priority. This is an optimal way to tell user and system how to treat rules with same conditions and gateways.
One of the most important nodes is the "A/B" test node. It allows users to test different connected gateways, combinations of operators and etc. All the results of testing are stored in the "Analytics" node that shows the % of savings and % of accidents rate for each scenario. The canvas technology helps connect any rules, at any moment to the A/B test constructions.
Zoom-in and zoom-out feature allows users to navigate and overview huge routing systems. With one click the can convert one rule detailed, editing view to the zoom-out 10+ rules overview.
We added a testing suit to find out how new rules actually work. This suite allows moderators and analytics to test existing transactions from the portal or create an emulation of new transactions. The test will run through all nodes on board to find a transaction path. Results will be highlighted with the colour on the line connection node.
Even small changes to one rule can cause affect on millions of transactions in an hour. So we add a moderation UI box to preview, test and merge rule changes. After changes, one rule creates 2, active and proposed. After the moderator approves and the rules merge these 2 rules return to one running rule.
Running nodes and new node changes can result in rules conflicts. Canvas helps to identify conflicts quickly. The auto-resolve feature decides for you which rule combination would be more profitable. After conflict resolving system eliminates one of the conflicting rules.
Sometimes, our merchants need a pivot by priority flat table view for rules. It's the same rules from the canvas but represented as a basic table.