Moon - NFT Marketplace

The project is part of Dribbbles Course - Intro to UI Design. The brief which included Objectives, Client, Key details and Audience was provided to help with our deliverables.

Mood board Exploration

Using the mood board to explore two different styles, the design of concept one inclined to have bold and bright colours with the use of gradients and the second concept led to a more clean and minimal approach.

After receiving feedback for both concepts and reviewing what would look best for an NFT marketplace I chose to go ahead with the dark and bold concept. The rest of the screens were then designed using this concept and polished further.

Using bright colours to bring emphasis to key details and gradients for the CTA was used on all screens. After exploring different font options, going for Graphik - a sans serif font helped to keep good legibility, and the font also had many style and weight options that made this more suitable.

The project has helped me understand the importance of the initial research and how much it helps in making the following decisions. The iterations made on changing the text's colour and bringing in scalability for any image used were important, especially for an NFT Marketplace where digital art was a major asset and the design had to be suitable for any image.

Would love your feedback on my projects, Thank you !! :)

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