Los Angeles LGBT Center

Dream With Us

An unstoppable force in the fight against bigotry, Los Angeles LGBT Center is building a world where LGBT people thrive as healthy, equal, and complete members of society. The Dream With Us capital campaign raised $25M to purchase a neighboring piece of property in L.A. where they developed an inviting and visionary campus-like facility to serve and create community.

Stories and photos from diverse population segments—including seniors—shines a light on the often unseen members of the LGBT community who need the support the Center provides.

Repeated use of “The Center of” in text and layout keeps the colloquial name of the organization front of mind, alludes to physical space (the ultimate goal of the campaign), and reinforces that this organization is the nucleus of the community and the movement.

Black and white photography is an equalizer when showcasing the community members who benefit from the Center’s efforts. Optimistic and hopeful photos help the reader associate the growth of the Center with moments of joy.

Creative direction by Rod Lemaire at Mission Minded.

Visual design by Matt Meier

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