NFT Marketplace Visual Design Concept

Hello All!

Today I'm presenting you my visual concept of NFT marketplace app. Starting with final versions of Splash and Home Screen shown above, here're some steps and reasons behind the creative direction.


The client is Planet, they are a new up and coming startup with the goal of revolutionizing the NFT marketplace business with a design-first approach and a deeply curated experience for the users. Objective of the project was to establish visual language of the app, lock the visual aesthetic and then scale the design on multiple screens, based on the wireframes and the flow that is provided by the client, build the UI library and the final UI and prototype.

Mood board

The audience of the project is all those people embracing and following the digital art and relatively new world of NFT collections. Users of the app are tech-savvy people with strong sense of visual aesthetic and taste, they value curated sophisticated experiences.

As more galleries and museums creating online presence, I had an idea that NFT artists and their body of work also can be organized in a more formal interface that could give balanced yet elegant background that puts the art in front rather than distract.

For moodboard research I used the following sources of inspiration:

Artsy, Sotheby's mobile app, Gagosian gallery, SuperRare gallery

Visual Exploration

While I really liked simple minimalistic concept of the moodboard, I tried different approaches to the Splash screen, explored different combinations of typefaces and colors in attempt to create clean yet noticeable look.

Eventually, I decided to develop on simple monochrome colors and two main fonts – Montserrat and Raleway which in my opinion emphasize the simplicity and add elegance.

I decided to use sharp corners of the UI that generally represent high-end, classy designs.

Final Screens

As the client has provided wireframes, once the concept was locked, all I had to do is to scale the design to 5 screens: Splash, Home, Search, Profile and NFT card screens of the app.

It's been a delight to participate in visual concept exploration and create an NFT app that has design-first approach.

More by Inna Gvozdova

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