Dyve Lending Platform - Lender Add Listing (From My NFTs)

Dyve is a new platform and concept that was started at ETHNewYork hackathon 2022 and brought to HackFS hackathon to be built out further. I was brought onto the team during HackFS to visualize and guide the product idea in order to create the front end for the key user tasks, lending, renting and most important of all shorting. 

These are new trading activities that could be done with NFTs, and this is what made me want to join the project: for its new, emerging financial primitive for NFTs especially for the everyday NFT trader who wants to level up!

There is a set of 7 smart contracts, allowing the users to List their NFTs in our NFTPool while specifying listing terms. Dyve relies on IPFS to source and analyze NFT collection metadata, giving lenders unique and needed control over traits they want to keep.

see more here - https://www.behance.net/gallery/149362535/UIUX-Case-Study-Dyve-New-NFT-Finance

Artus Michal
Online & Onchain Product Designer in the startup arena.

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