High on Life menu/screens

Hi guys,

I found this game and really enjoyed watching the game-play. In the game-play they didn't show what the menu screen or what the settings page looked like, so I took it upon myself to create what I believe the screens would look like.

I also wanted to branch out into creating UI for video-games which is another reason why I created this.


Video - The video is a short clip just demonstrating how you would maneuver around the menu. (I will keep updating the video until I have fully wireframed and prototyped the entire menu screen.)

First Picture - Is whenever you pause the game when playing.

Second Picture - Is in the settings page specifically on the controller.

Third Picture - Is in the settings page specifically on the Mouse and Keyboard (the reason why the first box is fully colored is because that is the setting they are hovered over at the moment).

Fourth Picture - Is in the settings page specifically on the Video settings.

Can't wait for your opinions and feedbacks.


Design — Figma


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