Urban lovers illustration

This work is dedicated to the feeling of love and how it’s experienced in a big city. Every day we face a lot of people on the street, in the subway. Due to this, personal interaction becomes superficial which increases the feeling of loneliness. Exterior, such as clothing and style, shows us a person's values but are our assumptions true?

Street fashion says “let's walk around the city at night, play guitars, skate, listen to French indie music, go on a date, eat nuggets and take a bath together”.

While we’re making judgments about a person according to external signs and stereotypes, we’re simplifying the perception of the world. On the one hand, it helps us to navigate in a huge flow of people. On the other hand, it is possible to lose the most important thing - personality. If you reduce complexity of personality to stereotypes and labels, you appear to be in danger of a painful confluence that cannot be called true intimacy.

I wish we’d give time for our feelings: both after breakup and in the process of building relationships. Pay attention to your feelings because they are really important.

Contact me on telegram @eka_chs.

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