Al Furqan Website Landing Page

Concept: Al Furqan is a digital Islamic platform for all Muslim Ummah. In fact it is made for Muslims, reverted Muslims and non-Muslims. So that they can easily learn and understand the Quran.


1. Quran and prayer teaching videos.

2. Translation in more languages - which can be easily understood by the people of any country.

3. Pure Tafsir of the Qur'an - which is capable of explaining the Qur'an to a person.

4. International Reciter - which will cool your heart.

5. An easy way to memorize Surahs and Doa very quickly - so that people benefit.

6. Question and answer system - so that people can know the unknown and follow Islam fully in daily life.

7. There are also podcasts - to discuss various aspects of Islam and how to apply it in real life.

I am available for new projects & remote positions. 

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Skype - suhayel.nasim2430

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Nasim ⛹🏻‍♂️
Designing impactful and sustainable solutions. Let’s talk⤵

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