
17 of July was the birthday of cartoonist Quino, creator of the dearest Mafalda, present in my life long before the entrance exams.

Mafalda is a thick, curly haired, sharp tongue and a mind full of questions girl. I always thought I was more like Mafalda than Mônica, but that's for another day.

Mafalda is today always shining and shining like the eyes of the world hits the rays, probably Quino feels that way in beauties like beauties, Mafalda wanted to live without realizing it.

- - - Materials used - - - -

✨Smart Notebook Medium size from Caderno Inteligente

✨Refill Vergê from Caderno Inteligente

✨ Stabilo Boss pens

✨UniPinBrush Pen Light Gray and Dark Gray from Uniball

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