Instagram Desktop Redesign
Let's be honest here. When we scroll thru our IG its 9.8 times out of 10 going to be on mobile. But in the off chance that you check Instagram on the web I felt it needed to be much better! Originally the instagram desktop UI seemed too boring. They have all the button icons at the top right and a concrete search bar in the middle of the top nav. In my redesign I used a standard 12-32-64 column layout. I kept the top nav but I moved the four main feeds into their own section on the left side and gave each icon a hover state and selection animation. After clearing up space in the top nav I moved the stationary search bar into a fun pop out animation and moved the Stories into the center where the old search was. All of this so that I could also made the cards BIGGER! Originally the photos felt small on my laptop. So making the cards bigger meant bigger content! Opening up the size of the cards made the direct messages easier to read and view content sent by friends, It increased the size of the Discover content and Increased the overall size of the User Profile.
HERE is the link to the prototype. I am still messing with things so it may be unfinished when you view it.
Follow me on my instagram to see pictures of my paintings and my dog lol
My portfolio HERE
Thanks for viewing!