Physical Therapy - Website Design

RivalMind in-house designers focused on three key elements toward this project: First, create user-friendly navigation to help prospective patients identify correct treatment based on pain areas. Next, incorporate strategic calls-to-action (CTAs) on the website. Finally, build a network of internal links between (CTAs), service areas, locations, blogs, and bios.

The RivalMind web dev team designed BIG’s various treatment types then associated those with pain points on the human body all displayed in an interactive widget. Users can select the area where they are hurting to view relevant treatment methods and education. Alternatively, prospective patients can start with a treatment method on the main navigation and learn about associated pain areas.

RivalMind is distinct. Quite different. We thrive on intelligent design, producing world-class websites, search/social media campaigns, and digital brand experiences with strategic purpose – tangible, economic goals.

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