Brush stroke textures volume 01
Didn't get enough new product announcements from yesterday's vintage paper textures? Well, I got you covered.
I'm pleased to also introduce the first two volumes of The Shop's brush stroke textures:
Textures help us to add depth to our digital art, and to break away from their flat, clean, and precise origins.
In juxtaposition to this, "analog art" is made with pens, pencils, markers, brushes, and paint. With this pack and its sibling, I wanted to bring some of these basic analog art tools to the service of the digital. The goal was to make the mark of the paintbrush visible, almost tactile, in order to be felt in the digital art.
These nine textures have been hand-painted with acrylic or watercolor paint, on various paper kinds (canvas, bristol, heavy watercolor paper, etc.). They have been carefully scanned in at very high resolution (1,200 ppi and above), in order to output crisp pixels sized at 18"x24" @ 300 ppi.
- Nine (9) textures
- Hand-painted
- 5,400x7,200 pixels @ 300 ppi
Don't miss out on this great launch celebration: this texture pack is available as part of Design Cuts current bundle, "The Essential, Creative Design Arsenal" -
Have a look at the textures via the attachments.
- Brush stroke textures volume 01 -
- Brush stroke textures volume 02 -
Finally, the gif is here to show my process from vectors, to aged vectors, to textured version of the hero shot.