Product protection plan check-out


Evy is a french insure-tech company, allowing retailers to offer their end-customers insurance plans to protect their goods: tools, electronics, bikes ...

While navigating on a product or cart page, the end-customer is exposed to insurance plans such as "breakage and breakdown protection for 2 years", and can seemlessly select one of them to protect the product they're about to purchase.

The problematic

For some retailers, it's easier technically if the protection plan paiement is made separately from the product purchase. Hence, we needed to create a dedicated check-out app for end-customers to finalize their insurance plan subscription.

That's tricky :

  • Some end-customers think they already paid for the insurance during the product purchase

  • As the insurance plan is not subscribed yet, some people might change their mind

  • Most of them have no idea of who "Evy" is: they lack of trust

  • We need to ask them complementary legal mendatory information that can be sensitive like their date of birth

Because of these friction points, our attachment rate was pretty low.

The solution

[ 🕹 You can test the prototype of this flow here! ]

After several iterations I found a solution that increased the attachment rate by 20points and here's how :

  • On step 1 we focused on reassurance – a reminder of what we sell

    • It prevents the end-customer to change his mind

    • It helps trusting Evy

  • On step 2 we focused on removing the friction around personnal information by:

    • pre-filling the information we already have and making it clear they're not editable

    • being totally transparent about the reasons we ask for this information

After these 2 steps, the customer is redirected to Stripe's interface to make the paiement.

More by Noemie Catel

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