Dog walking app case study

Problem statement

The problem is that there is a need a for a app that is similar to Uber and lift for dog walking. The goals for this app are to get as many users to use the app from the login screen to spending for it too meet their needs. From the research it has to meet safety needs for the dog and the walker.

User Research

Research has been done by going through many different apps and websites. I would go through all the pages on their sites and apps. Notes on colours and what features they were offering.


Five personas that I interviewed were different ages and different parts of their lives. What I noticed is that the younger people were open to using the service if there were certain safety features included. All the older personas who were over 40 were not interested in the service but were interested if you could explore the app and be rewarded.

User flow chart

the userflow chart I created shows the path of two types of users who create profiles and ones that skip the account creation. Each journey has to try and cater to different personas.

Mood board

The mood board I created has helped me decide what colour combinations and the mood I want to capture in my design. It also helps to see what layouts I want to use and be inspired by.


the wire frames that i created were created with simple user patterns that I saw in apps that my personas would use and were kept with the theme of being simple and easy for the users thumb to reach.

Visual Design

The visual designs that i created were done through a process of feedback and adding and subtracting certain components and design decisions. Things were made to be simple and clean.

UI kit and components

Prototyping and testing

The prototyping stage was successful with my users. However there were a few little things that would need to be changed in the future other prototypes. some menus needed to be fixed with more contrast on some of the buttons. The illustrations and photos were rated well. Certain bits of copy had to be changed to be in stronger colours and positions.


Completing this project has given me the knowledge to know that I still have a long way to go with ui and ux. It also has given me the inspiration and confidence to keep going on my product design journey. What I've learnt during this project is that all the people who I interviewed are very passionate about their dog and it’s safety. I understand now that research and refining your designs is important and can create a better experience. The most important thing that I learnt on this course is too keep designing and to keep pushing forward.

Joseph Wells
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