Panda Preview Mode
i've been using Panda (if you don't know yet, hurry up and use it. N O W !) for a couple of months now and have to congratulate both, William Channer and Ahmet Sülek for the amazing job. Love this product, guys!
There's one thing in my humble opinion that could be improved: Preview mode.
Today if you want to read content from your sidebar feed you have to either open a new tab on your browser or use preview mode.
Using a new tab isn't good for Panda's business because users are leaving the site in order to read whatever they want and they might not come back to site again.
In other hand, preview mode has a modal/new page with a new layout that turns hard for users to understand what is going on, mainly because it shows an inverted layout of the homepage.
I thought it would be simpler if the said content would be displayed where "inspiration session" is now.
I did a quick mockup of this idea in order to make it a little bit more visual.
Any feedbacks are welcome!
Check @2x and/or Attachment for details!