Kirrivan - Dashboard for a SaaS CRM

Hello everyone, in 2021 we were working on Kirrivan, a Customer Relationship Management (SaaS) concept. From research, UX, Visual, and Prototype.

Kirrivan features include Managing Leads, contacts, Ads, Marketing, Sales, Email, Custom Dashboard widgets. Now let’s explore the Dashboard features.

Managing Dashboard, user can create Multiple Dashboards for specific needs. The Dashboard that has been created can also be assigned to multiple person or specific person. The Dashboard configurations is quite advance with drag and drop and realtime preview.

Multiple dashboard page can be accessed from this tabs.

Multiple dashboard page can be accessed from this tabs.

Dashboard builder is a 12 grid system canvas, that the user can drag and drop the widgets from the left bar.

Brand Identity

Brand Identity design of Kirrivan. We created Logo, custom icons, custom illustration, typography and colors.

Checkout behance presentation of Kirrivan Here

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