The Fool

I’m undertaking the challenge of illustrating tarot cards (for fun? 😅). This is going to be a long-term project with the goal of finishing the 22 Major Arcana cards first and If I’m still up for it after that, I’ll do the 56 remaining ones. I actually know nothing about tarot cards so I’m learning as I go along. They incorporate a lot of symbology and that’s what originally made me want to draw them.



First up is The Fool. This card is mostly about new experiences and beginnings. The rising sun indicates the start of the journey, and the mountains symbolize obstacles on the way to ascension to higher consciousness. The white rose represents innocence and purity. There is a bag hanging from a stick which is actually a wand in the original card art. These represent carrying the burden of past experiences, while the bag is supposed to contain universal memory and instinct (not quite clear on that). Lastly, the feather symbolizes the moral life of the fool.

Lisa Champ
Fueled by the things that keep you up at night.
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