Tadaah App

Tadaah is an application for the freelancer teachers who are looking for a part time job. The organization will be posting the jobs and the teachers will be viewing the available jobs in the application. The teachers can show their interest for the job, accept the job, cancel the job before it starts and also change the hours of the job. On accepting the job, the teachers will be available for some specific period of time. However, the teachers can change the time if they have worked extra then the defined time. The teachers can manage their availability slots in the application to receive the job at specified time. The teacher can view their invoice generated in the application.

The project has following user modules:

  • Teachers

Key features of the application in Teachers Module:

  • Login and Welcome screen

  • Viewing available jobs

  • Responding to available jobs

  • Viewing planned jobs

  • Actions for planned jobs

  • Availability calendar

  • Invoice

  • Settings pages

  • Push notifications

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