Dog Walking App
This project was created as part of Dribbble's Product Design Course
Our team started with the idea of creating an app for dog owners who needed pet care and took the app through the following steps:
Competitive Research
User Personas
User Interviews
Visual Design
The research and competitive analysis phases were conducted as a group. It was up to each individual to create their idea of what the app should include and the visual design elements.
Users are the center of our designs
Before we can design the product, we need to understand our users.
Research the Competition
User Personas
The Problem?
Dog Owners don't trust strangers with their pets. They need a way to know pets are getting trusted, reliable caregivers through an app service.
To create trust, I focused on the following features:
Dog Walker Badges - including background verification
Length of time as a walker in the app
Reviews from other dog owners
Call, text or video chat with your potential dog walkers
GPS map of your dog's walk
After creating sketches on paper, I designed some wireframes with initial design ideas.
The Visual Designs
Wireframes were tested with sample users, and I made some modifications before creating the visual designs.
If this was an actual client project, I would expect more user testing to make sure the designs and layouts were functional. It was a fun and educational experience to take a product from concept to a completed design.