Схема благоустройства пруда "Песчанник"
There is a large body of water in the city of Veniev, Tula region, with an adjacent recreational area. For the city's population of 14,000 people the pond "Peschannik" is the only body of water in walking distance and is very popular. Also, the city is visited annually by at least 50,000 visitors who know the place firsthand.
The project to improve the health and improvement of the pond started in November 2019. Volunteers and active citizens, as well as the city administration are working to clean the bottom and banks of the pond from trash and weeds.
More than 700 residents of the city supported the development of the pond.
At this stage of the project it is planned to organize a walking area and install a multifunctional sports field on it. It will provide an opportunity to hold sports and public events.
A landscaping scheme was developed for participation in grants, projects and for presentation of the project.