Mobile App - Wheel of Foods


It’s Friday night and you want to eat with your friends but you don’t know which restaurant you should go.As someone being indecisive when it comes to choosing where to eat, it takes so much time to decide where to eat. You ask your friends but the typical answer you would get is “Anywhere.” or “It’s up to you.” which does not help at all. For indecisive people when it comes to choosing where to eat and for food lovers, they don’t have a place to where they can easily find restaurants near them or where the food they are currently craving for is located.


Wheel Of Foods is the place for restaurants, food enthusiasts, and for people who are indecisive when it comes to choosing where to eat. They can look for restaurants near them or even find certain foods they are craving for. It will allow people to share photos and reviews of a certain restaurant. It will also allow food connoisseur to have a channel to provide critique.This way, it will help people decide quickly and saves so much time. The app will also help present all details about the restaurant people want to eat in. It also helps food connoisseurs have a channel for them to write down their critique and rate the foods of the restaurants.

All rights reserved to:

Mia - UI/UX Design

Geno - Idea

Posted on Aug 22, 2022

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