Parking Douche

Douche parking was a huge problem in cities in Russia. We’ve created a free app that takes pictures of wrongly parked cars, recognizes car number plates, the car model and color. The data is streamed live to banner ads, that are targeted through an IP-address. So people, who live or work close to the locations where these cars were parked, see it. Banners looked like actual cars with its registration number that is being photographed interrupting you while you're trying to read an online article. When you role your cursor over the banner it lets you know that this particular car is annoying people in a certain street in your city right now. In order to get reed of this annoying car you simply share the photo of the parking douche on social media.

See full case study here:

Awards: Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity (Gold, Mobile), Webby awards (Honoree, Public Service & Activism / Best Use of GPS or Location Technology/ Single Banners), D&AD (In Book, Mobile Marketing/Integrated Mobile Campaigns), Epica (Bronze), New York Festivals (short list), Eurobest (Silver, PR), One Show (Silver, Mobile Applications/Sites/Social Networks/Community)

Press mentions: Mashable, Bloomberg Businessweek, Top Gear, GIZMODO, Harvard Business Review and more

“It certainly sounds like a good idea and takes online vigilantism to the next level”

“It’s a pretty ingenious way to solve Russia’s urban parking problem”
Bloomberg Businessweek

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