Bioculty - Logo e brand identify.

Bioculty is a brazilian startup whose mission is to encourage a sustainable culture through urban biodigesters and also with the sale of products related to biodigestion such as organic fertilizers and sustainable products. It focuses on reaching families and small businesses in urban areas that can benefit from the generation of clean energy.

Biodigestor is a device that transforms organic waste into biogas and fertilizer through a process called biodigestion, a device that can help families and companies to dispose of solid waste correctly.

The challenge in this visual identity project was to be able to visually convey all the complexity of biodigestion and also to clearly convey the mission of encouraging a sustainable culture at Bioculty.

The solution we brought was to bring colors that convey the feeling of sustainability and also energy. In the Logo we seek to mix the organic part represented as a leaf and the gas generation part as a flame.

More by Tiago Burger

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