Handcrafted CSS Nashville - The Rebound Contest
Dan and I are still hard at work planning the Handcrafted CSS seminar in lovely Nashville, Tennessee, and we are nearing the end of our early bird registration period. So we figured we'd reprise our contest from last year, and give away a few free passes.
Here's the info:
• Post a rebound (a kind of visual "riff" to you non-Dribbblers) to this Dribbble entry before Friday at noon EST. (Want the PSD? Nab it here.) • Don't have a Dribbble account? No problem! Post it as an entry on your blog, and post a link to your entry as a comment on my blog entry before the cutoff date. • We'll be selecting two winners: • The Dribbble rebound with the most likes. • The non-Dribbble entry that Dan and I subjectively judge to be supremely incredible. (That's a thing. Honest.) • We'll also be selecting two runners-up: • The Dribbble rebound with the second highest likes. • The non-Dribbble entry that Dan and I subjectively judge to be supremel—I think you can see where this is going.
The winners will each receive one free pass to our conference, which includes a free DVD edition of Handcrafted CSS. The runners-up will each receive a free copy of Handcrafted CSS, along with a copy of Dan's omgorgeous Bit Monsters letterpress print. And for an added bonus, the non-Dribbble winner and runner-up will both receive a Dribbble invitation.
I imagine your face currently looks something like this right now. So rebound away, get those entries posted, and we hope to see you all at Handcrafted CSS Nashville in June!