Presto: Dog Walking App to Quickly Match Busy Pet Parents

Deep into Users' Needs and Desires

Dog owners span diverse backgrounds—busy parents, vacationing business owners, the elderly, the unwell—each sharing the common need for a reliable and trustworthy dog walker. Recognizing these challenges, I empathized with users, identifying three key pain points: trust, reliability, and safety. This led me to ponder, "How can I create an app fostering trust and transparency in the user experience?"

To validate my insights, I conducted user interviews, uncovering a prevailing preference for family and friends over app-recommended strangers. Trust, safety, convenience, communication, and reliability emerged as universal priorities. Users desired transparency, in-app emergency support, real-time updates, and the ability to document walks with photos or videos. This user-centric understanding informed the creation of a representative user persona.

Versions of the profile page underwent iterative improvements. Version 1 focused on a centered profile with visual cues like icons, attempting to incorporate a story element. Version 2 addressed emptiness with a tab section, adding more detailed information. Version 3 refined the design, prioritizing essential information at the top for clarity.

Wrap-up: Discoveries and Growth with Presto Dog Walking App Design

  1. Creative Twists and Turns: Navigating the twists and turns of the design process, I learned to dance with the unpredictability, making room for changes that breathe life into the user experience.

  2. Time, the Friendly Reminder: In the tight embrace of an 8-week timeline, I uncovered the potential for continuous improvement. More time would have been like adding extra toppings to a pizza—always making things better!

  3. Design with Heart and Purpose: Each app element got its own superhero cape, serving a clear purpose. It's all about crafting a delightful user experience where every button, icon, and pixel has a meaningful role to play.

  4. Empathy in Action: The project turned me into a pet whisperer of sorts, understanding the highs and lows of busy pet owners. With empathy as my sidekick, problem-solving became a superpower.

  5. Brushing Up on UI Skills: Picking up new UI skills was like giving my design toolbox a shiny upgrade. Thanks to videos, articles, and blogs, I discovered the magical world of pixel perfection.

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More by Ivcel Ramos

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