CSA Cargo Securing app.


The goal of the project was to create a digital solution that would support the work of people who prepare cargo securing plans.

Partnership with cargo securing experts, frequent feedback, and a combination of the R&D approach gave a great result in the form of a working application.

Our goal

We wanted to create a product that will allow end-users to go through the simulation of cargo securing in 15 minutes, after which they can immediately generate a report that confirms that all the measures required for the transport have been met.

With such a digital solution, our end users would be able to:

- Improve the safety of cargo in the road transport

- Plan and verify security quickly and skip the lengthy standard process

- Optimize the costs of cargo securing

You can find the entire project

on my website

Just click here.

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More by Pawel Schedler | Product Designer / UI / UX / Freelance

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