Money Management mobile aps

One of the phenomena of contactless payment in Indonesia is currently growing rapidly and the presence of various kinds of digital payments which have become a trend for the community to support the ease of life. Followed by technological developments in the financial sector with the term Financial Technology (fintech). the existence of fintech is a problem for how many people manage their finances on the other hand in the ease of transacting using QRIS. this is an issue that must be reviewed in order to provide good feedback to users in managing their finances periodically. The difficulty of users in controlling their finances makes the basic basis for their concern in using digital payments because it is considered wasteful. with this observation we will help in solving these obstacles with the moma application focusing on managing your finances.

The problem that I want to solve by working on this design is to meet the needs faced by the user. I made this problem an observation because it was difficult for users to manage finances in the QRIS era which caused a negative side to the use of digital payments, financial expenditures were not well controlled. Taking this issue raised can produce a good idea to respond to the problems faced by the user.

Moma aims to help manage personal financial reports.


Figma, Iconify, Flaticons

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