Buddy - Dog Walking App

Finding trusted doggy caregivers and building a local dog-walking community.

Buddy: A mobile application that finds you trusted dog walkers, dog sitters and doggy day-care that are all local. You will also be part of a trusted dog walking community that are near you.

Role: As the Product Designer, I helped empathize with and visualize the overall design of the Buddy App.

The Problem

There is no minimal seamless experience that handles the end-to-end service of a Dog Walking application that customers are truly satisfied with.

The Objective

Research, strategize and design an end-to-end mobile application experience to help dog owners find dog walkers to walk their dogs and have the ability to find a dog walking community.


Lacked understanding of customer wants, needs and expectations.

• Current frustrations and pain points?

• What did they really want?

• What did they really need?

Dived into a research sprint.

• User Persona

• User Interviews

• User Flows


Overwhelmed with insights, we needed to start prioritizing to form a strategy. All competitors had too many options, we wanted to simplify it down.

• Understand key pain points, wants, and need

• Classify all insights gathered

Once we answered the burning questions, we commenced design right away.

• Prioritized customer pain points, wants, and needs

• Addressed user's frustrations and prioritize them in our design


We needed to come up with a clean and modern design for our Dog Walking app. Competitors out there seemed to have the same vibe, we needed to come up with something new and fresh.

• What’s our mood board telling our users?

• What is our visual language?

Once we answered the burning questions, we commenced design right away.

• Designed a compelling mood board that is consistent with our brand

• Our imagery and icons needed to be consistent with our vision

• Design a design system so we can hit the ground running

Success Metrics

• Over 1,000 new dog walkers

• Numerous dog walking communities out there and counting

• Happy dogs and happy dog owners!

Project Learnings

• Seek critical feedback early

• Test early and often

• Don't get caught up in so much detail on the first design irritations