Breaking The 4th Wall

"The use of the Poster, a format with an enormous communication potential and an interesting historical background, has evolved alongside with a discussion of its presence in a context of a museum. Meaning that there is an ongoing debat about the treatment that posters should have as objects exhbited in a museum, being sometimes treated as a work of art, contrary to its inicial streetart nature. Considered an important format in the graphic design world, the poster is currently used to promote events, in particular music festivals, due to its effective communication caracteristics. In order to validate and demonstrate the importance of this communication form, I developed a striking and inviting language with the aim of breaking the so called "4th wall" (“conceptual barrier between those presenting some kind of communication and those receiving it”) creating a connection and interaction with the spectator who will be in contact with the object, almost like an intervention. The main focus is to recognize and acknowledge the existence of the public and speak directly to them, breaking down the barrier of a fictional world, breaking the museum formality by emphasizing the component of the exhibition on the street, characteristic of the poster, generating a symbiotic relationship between the spectator, the creator (in this case, designer), and the environment around. The poster is calling and interacting with the public that ceases to be a mere observer. How should a poster communicate today, given the distraction of the digital world?" by @mikkidesign for the PosterMOSTRA contest in Lisbon


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