Cat Mood Board | Moodboard Design | Collage | Image Making

I selected “cat” as my imagemaking topic because I currently have a cat and already have experience with them, which helped me a lot. In my research on my subject, I only looked for some habits, characteristics, and distinguishing traits because I already knew about them, as I said. I collected a lot of images, and while collecting these images, I tried to find some cat images that clearly show the whole body, and others only show tired parts of the body, like the head, face, and mouth. In the end, I used images of a cute cat, another funny, another with sharp fangs and teeth, another sleeping, another eating, another climbing, another grooming, and another kneading. I also used other materials like the color palette, cat print pattern, and cute cat quote so that my mood board contains a variety of different materials, not just images. For the strategies I used to create the mood board design, I sketched a paper wireframe first, converted it into a digital wireframe, and then replaced each shape with its appropriate image. The result was this mood board using Adobe Illustrator.


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