Foodnube - Track food intake


Foodnube is a mobile app that helps parents track their children's calorie intake and spendings at the canteen. This organizational tool also alerts parents when their child has exceeded recommended caloric intake, ensuring they don't overindulge in unhealthy foods.

Furthermore, the Foodnube provides daily updates on what small changes to make to help your child eat healthier and more responsibly.

Monitor children's calorie intake

Foodnube will track every product in the canteen to give the parents detailed information on total calories, fats, carbs, & fibre eaten by children on a daily, weekly and monthly basis helping them to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Track spending history at the school canteen

Foodnube lets parents see how much money their kids are spending each day with all transactions recorded. Also, parents get a heads-up when money is running low in their kid's accounts so they add more funds instantly with just a few clicks.

Children's calorie profilesand BMI

The app provides the parents with calorie profiles of their children along with each child's BMI so they can track what they are eating. It also calculates which foods were most nutritious (nutrients per calorie) for each meal or snack while at school.

Children's calorie profiles and BMI

The app provides the parents with calorie profiles of their children along with each child's BMI so they can track what they are eating. It also calculates which foods were most nutritious (nutrients per calorie) for each meal or snack while at school.

Wireframes and Behind the scenes

Here's a sneak peek of the work done for this project before designing a high-fidelity interactive prototype. I always draw wireframes as they are an essential part of the product development process, allowing you to identify issues earlier on, saving time & money in the design and development phases.

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