Wove — Custom Crafted Rings — Marketing and Product Design

Wove is a wonderful company that has a bespoke process to design, try-on, and manufacture your dream engagement ring or wedding. I came in and helped them build out their entire digital experience.

We started with how to tell their story on their marketing site. Their process and replica try-on experience is their main value proposition, so we spent quite a bit of time iterating on the best way to walk people through that narrative.

Conversion is king. Next up, I worked directly with the in-house Wove illustrator to create a beautiful, on-brand onboarding design quiz that utilized the unmistakable Wove illustration style.

Finally, the process dashboard. This is the bread & butter of the Wove experience. It was important to me to expose the entire process and give users a clear understanding of where they currently sit in that flow.

One of my favorite projects so far. Owning the end-to-end experience makes it so much easier to thread a clear and clean narrative and visual experience. Now, go grab yourself a custom ring or with us at Kinetic.

Creating award-winning, captivating digital experiences

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