Ottoman Turks • King Clam • Cliffs Show Poster Dallas 2022

Ive wanted to mess with an airbrush style forever, but never quite had the tools that felt right. Blends in Illustrator felt too airless and static and doing it in Photoshop—even with a pen—felt laborious and less fluid than it should. Procreate for the iPad Pro changed all that. Im now able to play wannabe Shusei Nagaoka with ease.

This poster is for a birthday show in Dallas for a friend I've done lots of posters for in the past, when he ran booking and promotion at Dallas' Granada Theater. In the past decade-plus I've gotten to do work for Foals, Cut Copy, The Walkmen and more through him. He requested a luchadore riding a winged lion in the sky and that's just what he got. In glorious glossy airbrush style!

You can see more of my gigposters for bands like Foo Fighters, Metallica, "Weird Al" and many more at my rock poster site.

See more of my overall work at my portfolio site.

And follow my insta.

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Jason Malmberg
Design. Illustration. UX. Strategy. Northern California.
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