(2) Dribbble Invites

Update – 1/29/15 – 3:45pm Well, we have our winners! Congrats to Casey Booth, Rohan Vijay, and Nic Li (who received a bonus third invite). Thanks to everybody for your submissions! There was a lot of truly wonderful work and I never could have imagined what a difficult decision this would be! ______________________________________________________________

Update – 1/23/15 – 4:30pm Wow, I could have never expected the amount of replies I'd get! Unfortunately, due to overwhelming response, I have to close the submission process. I'll be going through the portfolios I've received this weekend, and will have the winners some time next week... thanks all! ______________________________________________________________

I have two dribbble invites that I'd love to bestow upon a couple of talented designers. Want to be a part of an awesome design community?

1.) Hit me up with some of your work at capyanno[at]gmail.com (or post in the comments below/tweet @drewchristiano) 2.) Use the subject line "Dribbble Invite" 3.) Include a link to your portfolio

And that's it! I look forward to seeing some of the great work you've all been doing...

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