Green Villain Mural Book Vol. 2
Green Villain was founded in 2009 inside the historic Clorox Bleach factory located in Northern Greenville, one of the last industrial sections of Jersey City. The 20k sq ft warehouse featured artist studios, event spaces, loft style offices, two rooftops with panoramic views of New York City and lots of graffiti and street art.
Green Villain operates today as an art brokerage, a vinyl imprint (Green Village), a public art project (GVM), event series and publisher. Our primary office is located in The Sterling, an industrial redevelopment project we are spearheading which has modernized a 19th Century warehouse into an arts & business incubator.
I was hired to photograph and design an art book for Green Villain. I used both film and digital formats to capture the spaces. This book contains murals that were created between 2014-2017 through the Green Villain Mural Program.