Ralph McQuarrie Tribute Painting

In one of my college painting courses we were assigned a project to recreate a "master work." As a kid, I was enamoured with the concept design that Ralph McQuarrie did for Star Wars. I decided to recreate (rather poorly) one of his pieces.

I argued to the class, not that McQuarrie's contribution to art was in the same vein as Rembrandt or Matisse...but that his work did have significant cultural impact.

I have enjoyed seeing a resurgence of interest in McQuarrie's work, and was reminded that I still have this shabby tribute hanging in my garage.

If you haven't seen his work, it is imaginative and creative in its own right, and well worth your time. Take some time to look around for it.

Here's a good place to start: http://imgur.com/a/J4ZRA?gallery

Andrew Colclough
aka h00j_nerd_10k rolling crit fails with ink and watercolor

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