GamerDise Game Preview App

Project background: We’re creating a game preview app for arcades to help give users a unique and accurate presentation of games. We noticed that most arcades do not have a game preview app, some do not even have an app. We want to take this as an opportunity and create a game preview app for arcades where users can preview games of interest and arcades which might have those games. We believe this will create a unique experience for users and will be beneficial to them

The product : GamerDise strives to bring accurate representation of games to gamers as well as connecting gamers to their local arcades and community.

The problem: Gaming enthusiasts often face disappointment when they play a game because they were misled by the games advertisement.

The goal: Design a game preview app that provides in-depth and accurate information about games to users.

The experience: GamerDise does not just provide game information, it also shows you arcades were said games can be played. Gamerdise is designed for all users from all walks of life and as such it was designed with accessibility considerations in mind.

My role: Lead UX Designer

My responsibilities: Conducting interviews, information architecture, paper and digital wireframing, low and high-fidelity prototyping, conducting usability studies, synthesizing results from usability studies, accounting for accessibility, and iterating on designs.

Low-fidelity prototype:

High-fidelity prototype:

Case Study: