Studi - Rebrand Design
Hi everyone ! 🖖
This is a quick overview my rebrand work as Art Director at Studi.
Studi is more than 200 online diploma and certification courses, recognized by the French State, from Youth Training to Bachelor's degree.
As Studi is The EdTech subsidiary of the Galileo Global Education group (2nd world higher education group). I wanted to match the baseline « 100% online, 100% human » with a really warm and human art direction.
That’s why I worked with a lot of pictures of students that could be in any courses. The colorful backgrounds of the pictures are like a filter of the life real background of the student. You can become who you want by studying.
Hope you guys will like it and let me know your thought's on it. 🚀
🎁 Bonus ✨
Studi ad that was distributed on french TV 📺