Andrei Kasuga is the son of Japanese people who came to live in Brazil when he was only 3 years old. He lives in the city of Maringá, which is home to a large community of Japanese families. Dazzled by coffee from an early age, studying about the most varied types of coffees, he grew up with the goal of having his own coffee shop in the city where he lives. His desire was to create a "Kissaten" (Coffee Shop) as it is known in Japan, following a minimalist and sober theme, different from what is seen in common coffee shops.
To create the name, we used the initials of his name "A K", followed by the word "Ayá", which comes from an African symbol that represents resistance, strength, perseverance and courage, things that represent Andrei's family's path and journey to get here, nowadays. Thus forming the name "AK.AYÁ", when pronounced, it has the same name as the type of coffee Andrei will sell, called "Acaiá" Coffee, a 100% Arabic coffee produced in the state of Minas Gerais, the fruit of a coffee tree that produces superior quality beans.
When creating the brand, we used as reference a symbol of the city of Maringá, the Metropolitan Cathedral Basilica Minor Nossa Senhora da Glória, in the first letter there is the letter "A" in the shape of the cathedral, in a more discreet way, to maintain the elegance and modernity that the client wanted to convey to his audience.
Visual Identity: Forbeck Design Naming: Forbeck Design