JPRail WeChat Mini Program Design

The project was planning to design a WeChat Mini Program which helps Chinese travelers to check and take trains in Japan.

👉 What is WeChat Mini Program ?

WeChat was released in 2011, it is the most popular instant messaging app, and mobile payment tools in China, and the world's largest standalone mobile app since 2018, with over 1 billion monthly activer users, and 1.26 billion registered users.

Mini Program is a type of program running inside the WeChat, users could open and enjoy all kinds of services from it directly without installation, or updates. Nowadays, Mini Programs in China cover all aspects of people's daily life.

🤔 Why we build it ?

Japan owns the most complex railway system in the world, and it is hard for visitors to find the right route to destinations.

It was a project from a travel agency in China, it takes advantages of WeChat Mini Program, in order to help specific Chinese tourists group, such as elder and first-time travellers, to receive a guide in a easy and familiar way to take trains in Japan.

🚄 What is the current status of this project ?

The project was terminated due to the breakout of Covid-19 in 2020, we are planning to reactive it in 2022.