SnappMarket Star Rating Feature

SnappMarket is an online grocery platform providing a wide range of assortment from fresh fruits and vegetables to beauty and wellness products. They are aimed at increasing the purchase power of customers by providing exceptional pricing and offerings while introducing a simpler and easier way to shop.

Define Problem:

Due to SnappMarket's rapid growth and receiving thousands of orders each day, measuring user satisfaction with its orders became increasingly important & necessary, particularly when users were reporting growing dissatisfaction with delays in delivering orders.The need that this product was looking for became apparent after many meetings with managers:providing a Feature by which the user could rate his order delivery and provide feedback on the process.

The Feature Design

After conducting research, developing the idea, and identifying all the "Rating" feature modes, I began to design it for the mobile app. I have used the 5-point scale rating method for this feature and have displayed 5 stars in front of the user so they can give a score from 1 to 5.

Once he has rated his order, the user is prompted to explain the reasons for his given score.If a user chooses a score of 1 to 3, the question they are asked is: What made you unsatisfied with the order? And then the user can choose from the list of negative tags to answer.Also, if a user gives a score of 4 or 5, again after selecting the score, the question they are asked is: What satisfied you the most? And then the user can choose one or more from the list of positive tags to answer.

In other words, the questions and tags that are placed in front of the user are customized completely based on the score that the user gives to his order.

I also designed a Hi-Fi prototype for this project in order to provide stakeholders with a clear picture of the Feature and ensure that it can be implemented smoothly by developers without my supervision.

Ali Cut
Product Designer & Lead Product Designer 💡

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