POSTER DESIGN: Women VS. The World

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"They don't understand that it completely takes away a woman's autonomy over her own body. It's men making a decision on how you should use your body. And on top of that, it's not like the men or the man who impregnates you is going to have any kind of law saying that he has to be there to take care of the child. It takes two people to create a child. Why is it that we're penalizing women for how their bodies work when we don't impregnate ourselves?" - CHIKA

What about focusing on suicide prevention? Or ending the death penalty? Or fighting poverty? Or stopping gun violence and police killings? Or combating the opioid epidemic? Or ending wars? You know, things that would actually save lives? No one should be making laws about anyone else's bodies. Abortion is healthcare and is a fundamental human right.


More by Natalie Grakovski

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