Mobile designs for live forums about important civic issues

Every Voice Engaged runs online deliberative discussions on their platform, Common Ground for Action. Participants learn more about an issue, evaluate possible actions and tradeoffs, and find a shared basis for next steps or resolutions. Every Voice Engaged wanted to improve the experience to increase reach and engagement, especially among younger and more diverse audiences.

The previous Common Ground for Action app featured real-time forums led by a moderator with the option to be on video in a separate Zoom window, which was cumbersome and often confusing.

In the new app design, video is integrated into the app. By making the app interface more intuitive to users, we reduced the amount of instruction-based text and waiting times. The chat feature includes questions and guidance from the moderator. We streamlined the moderator experience by including scripted messages that allow the moderator to focus less on common instructions and more on the group experience.

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