Tried and True Cliche Design
Yes, cliche designs might not be what every aspiring entrepreneur have in mind when it comes to creativity. But hey, it gets the job done. Cliche serves it's purpose especially when a startup is trying to win trust in a crowded and perfectly competitive marketplace.
Your Sight, Our Vision. The company's mission statement said it all. Founded in 2013, the good folks at Precision Optics put their ethos to task by placing their patients' interests first. The smooth curves of the spectacle frame logo embody the company's warm and attentive service attitude towards their patients. The overall design gives an impression of intricate design for the excellent craftsmanship of solutions without appearing too convoluted to bring out an underlying message that Precision Optics is proud of: bringing clarity of vision to their patients.
And yes, attached are two more well-trodden designs to fit the overall perfect cliche yet comfortable feel.