Floating Offshore Wind Posters

In collaboration with the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and The NEED Project.

During my time at the NEED Project as Creative Director, I worked closely with stakeholders at BOEM and NREL along with curriculum directors at NEED to create a set of posters for secondary students interested in learning about the Offshore Wind industry including what type of work is done, career paths, siting considerations and how it contributes to the overall energy picture in the U.S. with examples from the state of California who leads the way in this endeavor.

What Goes into a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine - Learn about the many parts and structures that go along with building a floating offshore wind turbine and careers associated with them.

How Does Floating Offshore Wind Fit into the Energy Picture? - Learn where floating offshore wind fits into the U.S. electricity portfolio, the benefits and how they improve the problem illustrated by the "Duck Curve".

Siting Considerations for Floating Offshore Wind - Learn about how floating offshore wind energy development promises to be a significant energy source for coastal energy loads as well as the timeline for development of offshore wind power.

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