Silvia Gloria

Silvia Gloria

My brotherman got👼twin👼girls! ♀

This was their birth🐣day gift, an ambigram with both their names. Etched onto some 🥈 silver (for Silvia) and 🥇 gold (for Gloria) memorabilia coins that they can open in 17 years at year 2040. They just turned 1!


The idea and motivation behind this was from my "birth coin" that my godfather gave me. A 2 krooner Estonian silver coin. Not worth 2 euros to sell, but something that I still have from birth and to remember him by.

Not sure if this is an Estonian tradition or something I picked up and decided to pass along when my time came. 🙊

2 krooni Eesti Pank

Gloria & Silvia

Since they were born 👥 twins, I wanted to incorporate their inherent interconnectedness into one ∞ symbol. A rotational ambigram.

If it's in one way, it reads one name. Flip it 180 degrees and it reads the other.

Colors from names

That was a lucky ✨ coincidence, perhaps purposefully chosen by parents.

Their names are Silvia and Gloria. It is not too far a stretch of an imagination to portray them as 🥈 Silver and 🥇 Gold.

Colors in the case study were purposefully chosen as pure

HTML hex values for "color:gold" (#FFD700) and "color:silver" (#C0C0C0).


Following a basic symmetric grid to achieve proportional balance. 🧘

I'm a nerd for symmetry and grids. 🤓 And not even petprojects get any slack.

Final result

As the girls father, a very dear friend, introduced me to cryptocurrencies, it seemed an obvious choice.

Since they look especially nice on black

Physical cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin as Gold and Ethereum as Silver), packaged in a custom ambigram stamped coin display case.

Memorabilia if the currencies tank, college fund if they moon. 🌝 A sticker for me to look at and smile when I open my computer.

Thanks for joining us on this personal journey 🙇‍♂️

If this case study was worth reading and you fancy an ambigram or logo - let's get in touch 🤝 to do something as cool.

...and 🫵YOU can add to their year-2040 vault:

Send cryptocurriencies to 2 girls who cant even walk

What i learned - and a freebie. How to do a reflective security hologram. Download hologram.svg

security hologram

Behind the Scenes

Started with simpler ideas for the case cover, pretty soon realized personalized ambigram is the way to go.

Then a lot of rotating, mirroring and flipping objects, trying to read them upside down and making them understandable. That's the toughest but also most satisfying part of ambigrams.

Following is a crop of my artboard, unedited. Very messy, full of ideas and variations. Trial and error.

Thanks for reading 🚀

💛 What Grace is given me, let it pass to them 🤍

4 KB
Posted on Jun 28, 2022
Veli-Johan Veromann
Proportional grids are my passion. 🔥Color is ✨ my kink.

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